General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

§1 Introduction

The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) regulate the contractual relationship between the internet service of Hardenberg Consulting GmbH in the domain (hereafter known as and the users of that domain. By using the users of that domain declare that they have read and understood the following general terms and conditions and they declare that they agree to them. The contractual relationship valid for these GTC arises between the Users and Hardenberg Consulting GmbH through the use of the domain (abbreviated to

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the website provides a marketplace, where natural and legal persons and partnerships (“Users”) can offer and search for jobs in the veterinary medicine, agricultural and natural science sectors, so long as the Users’ publications do not violate the legal provisions, these GTCs or the principles of does not become a contractual partner of the contracts that are concluded exclusively between the Users of this market place.

§2 Obligations of the Users

The minimum age for using is 18 years. The User is solely personally responsible for his published content on The user is only allowed to place his personal and his own data online. Commercial advertising activities are forbidden to him. Any contributions with immoral content (eg pornographic content etc.) are also forbidden. The User also undertakes not to carry out any infringements of copyright – in whatsoever form. is entitled to delete the Users content at any time and without specifying reasons. Furthermore the regulations of § 4 No. 10 of these GTCs apply.

§ 3 Copyright

  1. The Users are prohibited in any form to copy, to publish, to reproduce, to transfer, to spread or to use commercially the material of that has been protected by their copyright.
  2. has the permission of the User, to save their data and the documents uploaded onto the pages of and to pass that information on in the case of job advertisements or applications for jobs.

§ 4 Liability

  1. Despite various safety measures it is not possible to exclude that false contact data has been used for a user account, or that the data has changed in the meantime. Published offers on or other content of Users do not represent the opinion of and are not generally checked by for their legality, correctness or completeness.
  2. is not liable for breakdowns of the system which hinder, cancel or suspend the User from using
  3. It is the sole responsibility of users to ensure that their offers and content are legal and do not violate any third party rights.
  4. It is forbidden to offer or advertise positions which violate legal regulations, the principles of, the rights of third parties or which are immoral
  5. It is prohibited to manipulate the search functions of The User must observe the principles of on the posting of content. All content must be given truthfully.
  6. Due to technical reasons it is not possible for content to be found with the help of search words immediately after entering the data.
  7. Job descriptions and details for job searches can only refer exclusively to the relevant positions. Any advertising going beyond this is illegal.
  8. Users may not use the addresses, E-Mail addresses, other contact data or other data like Curriculum Vitaes/Resumes etc, that they have received through, for any other purpose than for the contractual or pre-contractual communication between the users. In particular it is forbidden to sell on this data to third parties or to use it for sending advertisements, unless the relevant user has expressly agreed to this in advance according to the applicable legal stipulations.
  9. assumes no liability for the availability of the website or that uploaded content of the users will be transmitted to users within a particular time or in full. Furthermore holds no liability for the technical usability of the uploaded content or for the freedom of virus of the files transmitted. is not liable for the non-compliance of the Users.
  10. assumes no liability for the uploaded content of the User. The Users are alone solely responsible for the documents they upload and for their content. functions exclusively as a platform to publish the User’s content. There is no duty on to monitor or check the content. However, has the right to delete any content, which infringes third party rights or which violates legal regulations and laws.

    Every User undertakes to release from all claims within the country or abroad, which third parties could bring on account of uploaded content. This applies accordingly for content which where applicable a third party may have uploaded on the profile of a User. This release obligation for the User is also applicable to demands that third parties can make on account of infringements of copyright or comparable rights, on account of the infringement of competition law regulations and also on account of offensive or in other ways illegal content. This release obligation of the User also applies to demands which a third party can claim against on account of an infringement of the AGG (General Anti-discrimination Laws) in as far as the infringement of the AGG has been caused by the relevant User. This exemption obligation also includes in particular the assumption of reasonable legal costs, which incurs.
  11. can exclude Users from the website at any time, if they disturb the correct workflow of the online offering.
  12. is not liable for the conclusion of a contract between Users, nor for the content of any contract that is concluded.
  13. together with their assistants in completion and performance are not liable for slight negligence, irrespective of the legal reason.
  14. vetjobs24-com is not liable for the correctness of the data of the User, in particular not regarding their identity, professional education, qualifications, etc.

§ 5 Use

The use of the online portal is available for use by jobseekers and employers in the veterinary medicine, natural science and agricultural fields. offers the jobseekers and the employers a limited, terminable and non-exclusive right to use the pages personally to search for employment opportunities or to search for suitable applicants for potential employment. Jobseekers, employers and other agencies/intermediaries (abbreviated to Users) have no entitlement to use the pages The Users are exclusively solely responsible for the documents that they upload and for their content. On transgression against these GTCs or against legal regulations, is entitled to immediately disable the access to the pages for the relevant User. Furthermore has the right at any time to terminate the usage of the pages for the relevant User either without notice on presentation of an important reason or with proper notice of termination of 14 days by Email. Further details are regulated under §6 Termination of the contract.

Job seekers may only use the pages of for their own personal use and not for commercial purposes.
Employers may only use the pages in as far as it is necessary for the vacancy to be filled.

By creating a user profile on the vetjobs24 site, the user consents to his personal data being transferred to the Hardenberg Consulting GmbH database for further internal processing. Its data is stored in the database for internal processing only. The consent of the user is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time by means of a written revocation. The current data protection notices of Hardenberg Consulting GmbH apply.

§ 6 Costs & Bonus

No costs are incurred for the use of the online offering of until the conclusion of a contract of employment between the Users. If a contract of employment is concluded between the Users of the site, costs are incurred by the employer or other agent to the amount of 2,900.00 € plus the applicable statutory VAT. These costs arise with the conclusion of the contract of employment between the Users. The employer or any agent must inform Hardenberg Consulting GmbH without delay on the day the contract is signed. There is a page on to carry out this function. Following this notification, the employer receives the relevant invoice from Hardenberg Consulting GmbH for each contract of employment concluded with an employee. It must be paid to Hardenberg Consulting GmbH immediately after receiving the invoice.

The obligation of the employer or any agents to pay also exists if he or the job seeker, who he has employed, has in the meantime deleted his profile on or when the User contract no longer exists for whatever reason. The precondition for the employer’s obligation to pay is that the parties to the contract of employment found each other on account of the online offering of and have concluded a contract of employment.

No costs are incurred by the job seeker when he signs the contract of employment. Instead he receives a starter bonus in the amount of 1,000.00 € gross with the reservation, that Hardenberg Consulting GmbH has received the payment by the employer of the amount quoted in §6 para.1. The payment of the starter bonus of 1,000.00 € is due 14 days after Hardenberg Consulting GmbH’s receipt of payment from the employer.

Exception for internship placement:
If an internship contract is concluded between the users of the site or an internship placement is arranged, no costs are incurred by the employer/internship provider. There are no costs for the intern when signing the internship contract. However, the intern does not receive a starter bonus from Hardenberg Consulting GmbH.
An internship contract is characterized as follows, whereby the requirements must be met cumulatively:
The employment contract is concluded for a specific period of time to deepen practical skills and/or to prepare for the profession, the employee undergoes a specific activity and training in a company voluntarily or as part of a compulsory internship, which can be part of or a preliminary stage of another training (e.g. university degree) but does not have to be (voluntary internship) and the intern does not receive any performance-related remuneration. The internship contract should be marked as such.

§ 7 Termination of Use of the Domain

  1. The usage of’s page does not have to be officially cancelled by the User. He can delete his profile at any time in the settings.
  2. can take the following measures, if indications exist that a User has infringed legal regulations, third party rights,’s GTCs or’s policies, or if has any other legitimate interest, in particular the protection of the User from fraudulent activities:

    • Deletion of contents
    • Reprimanding Users
    • Delaying publication
    • Restriction of the use of
    • Interim or final suspension
  3. can terminate the contract of usage at any time by giving 14 days notice ending at the end of the month. The right to block access is not affected by this.

    Blocking access or termination of the contract does not have any consequences on the effectiveness of any contracts of employment that have already been concluded.

§ 8 Exemption

The User releases from all demands for liability, which other Users or other third parties could make valid against regarding infringements of their rights by the User on account of content placed on or on account of other use of The user assumes hereby the costs of the necessary legal defence of including various court and solicitors’ costs in the statutory amount. This does not apply if the infringement of the law was not carried out by the User. The User is obliged, in the event of a claim by a third party, to provide without delay, truthfully and completely, all information that is necessary to investigate the claim and to prepare a defence.

§ 9 Revocation

The User has the right to revoke this contract of usage with within a time limit of 14 days from the conclusion of the contract with

To exercise this right of revocation, the User must inform about this by post or by E-Mail with a clear explanation about his decision to revoke the contract.
The revocation is to be sent to: Hardenberg Consulting GmbH
Steinberg 12
82069 Hohenschäftlarn

To observe the revocation time limit, it suffices that the User sends the message about the exercise of his right to revocation before the expiry of the revocation time limit. In so far as a User revokes a contract with, the stipulations in §6 in these GTCs apply accordingly.

§ 10 Final provisions

  1. can recommend changes to these GTCs to the User at any time. Changes to these GTCs should be given to the User in writing (e.g. by E-Mail) at least 30 days before the recommended time for them to come into effect. The User’s agreement is taken as given, if a refusal has not been received by in text form before the recommended time for the changes to come into effect.
  2. If any of the individual stipulations in these should be void or ineffective, then the validity of the other stipulations is not affected. In place of the stipulations that were not included or that were invalid in these statutory law will apply. If such statutory law is not available in the respective case (regulatory loophole) or would lead to an intolerable result, the parties will enter into negotiations to replace the non-included or ineffective regulation with an effective regulation that comes as close as possible to it economically.
  3. All declarations that are transmitted within the framework of the usage contract concluded with must be made in writing or text form.
  • The usage contract including these terms and conditions is subject to German law.
  • The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the license agreement and these terms and conditions is Munich.
  • Status: 01.06.2020